Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Very often when something that we don't like happens, we tend to start by looking outside.

Gandhi famous observation was that, by pointing a finger towards someone, we are pointing three fingers towards ourself.

This is just a small example that, if I start by thinking what is happening ''out there'' is responsible for my situation, I too need to remind myself that I am responsible for creating my own thoughts and responses, to various situations.
I'm responsible for what is happening inside my inner world, my peace of mind, my well-being, love, and happiness. It is not someone else or something else, that is responsible for my inner state of being.

In good and bad times, we have to learn to accept responsibility. When we don't take responsibility over what is happening inside, we allow external forces to influence us.

When we allow external situations and people to influence us, we no longer have control over the quality of our experiences.

The world at present, is filled with many horror stories. But it is not wise to allow ourselves to react to everything that is happening around us otherwise what is happening inside us, is neither going to be positive,beautiful or peaceful.

It is a challenge, but it is necessary to make a decision whether to take an all the existing negativity or train ourselves to respond creatively and only with positive thoughts and feelings, from our own inner self.

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